Vertige 3030

A space to confront fears

Sitting on the edge of a cliff, your feet dangling in the void, you don’t move. Inside, you’re panicked, afraid, your mind runs in all directions. Outside, you stay still and time continues on. Little by little, the ground erodes under your feet…

Vertige 3030 is a show that treats eco-anxiety through a poetic and emotional angle, using choreography and projection art to create visually striking psychedelic and expressionist scenes. With this project, our goal is to provide a space for teenage and adult audiences (13+) to confront the emotional impact that the ecological crisis is having on our lives.


Text and directing: Catherine Nguyen

Choreography: Krystina Dejean (previously Alexandre Jolicoeur)

Interpretation : Alexis Tremblay, Benoît Isabelle, Song Wang, Marianne Mercier-Dulac

Audio conception, liquid light conception and dramaturgical assistance:  Félix Robitaille

Light conception : Michael Tonus (previously Daphné Laramée)

Costumes: Sarah Cliche

Production manager : Anne-Marie Vaillancourt (previously Varnen Pareanan)

Special Thanks

Théâtre Sous Pression would like to thank the CUBE, Studio Flak- Compagnie Josée Navas, centre culturel et communautaire Henri-Lemieux as well as Arrondissement Lachine for the creation residencies and their support.