Theatre Sous Pression


Théâtre Sous Pression is an artistic collective founded by Catherine Nguyen and Félix Robitaille, active since the winter of 2019. Our mandate is to create plays around today’s pressing political issues, with a strong humanist and empathetic approach. We hope to stimulate critical reflection on the world around us and encourage our public to flourish in a world of their own imagination.

Our Approach

As a collective, we aspire to a non-hierarchical creative environment emphasizing exchange. Although the impetus for a project may come from one person, we strive to ensure that the final product reflects each of our collaborators as well as the audience we are addressing.

Our Team

cat n headshot

Catherine Nguyen

Writer, director and proud servant of a pair of small bunnies.

felix r headshot

Félix Robitaille

Dramaturg, sound designer, tinkerer and wild fermentation magician.

Liam and Leming

Liam and Leming are our two retroprojectors. We love them deeply.

Our Board of Directors

Our board of directors is under construction! If you wish to join us, please send an email to